"DESCRIPTION 1"="This option allows you to change the maximum number of bytes that can be locked for I/O (Input/Output) operations."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="If you have some extra RAM and an active file system, you can speed up file system activity by increasing this setting beyond the default 512 KB."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="NOTE: Please check only one single box."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="Thanks to CptSiskoX for his help!"
"COMMENT 2"="Thanks to John Hansen [sasjwh@wnt.sas.com] for the Windows 2000 part!"
"COMMENT 3"="Thanks to Thomas Koschate [koschate@bigfoot.com] for the CDR bug-notice."
"COMMENT 4"="Thanks to Nostradamus [mailto:nostradamus-@gmx.net] for the plugin supplement."